Scaling Great Heights With Michael Brown

How do you take window cleaning to new heights? With robots, of course! In this episode of the podcast, Tony Martignetti sits down with Michael Brown, CEO of Skyline Robotics, a company that's revolutionizing the way we clean skyscrapers. Michael shares his incredible journey from the world of office supplies to cutting-edge robotics, highlighting the challenges, the triumphs, and the importance of building a company with people at its core. Tune in to discover how Skyline Robotics is not only making window cleaning safer and more efficient but also transforming the future of building maintenance.
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Scaling Great Heights With Michael Brown
It is truly my honor and pleasure to introduce you to my guest today, Michael Brown. Michael is the CEO and Chairman of Skyline Robotics. He serves as both a veteran strategic advisor and is leading the expansion of Skyline into the US market. Michael's 35-year career has been focused on business services and distribution roll-ups. He has led 2 previous companies with revenues over $400 million, both sold to publicly traded companies.
During his career, the companies he led have generated more than $5 billion while leveraging a proven model driving growth and market expansion through business acquisition, cross-selling, and organic growth steeped in data analysis and strategy. Additionally, Michael served on the Sanitation Foundation's board of directors, the official nonprofit partner of the New York City Department of Sanitation. He's also a frequent speaker at industry conferences, providing a vision for transforming future cities and labor.
Michael holds a degree in information technology from Syracuse University and delivered the keynote address at the 2024 graduation with a message to keep moving forward as you navigate the complexities of life. We all know about that. He lives in New York City. He manages four children, a small dog, and a partner. He is a busy guy.
I'm so honored and thrilled to welcome you to the show.
Thanks so much for having me.
It's such a pleasure to have you here. I'm so thrilled to talk to you about your journey and all the amazing things you've accomplished. I'm fascinated by what you're doing. Whenever you mention robotics, people are like, “That’s cool. Robots.” It’s a wonderful thing you're up to, but I want to understand the journey that got you to this. That's what we're going to do in this interview. I'm going to spend some there.
I'm ready to go.
The way we navigate things here on the show is by doing things through what's called flashpoints. These are points in your journey that have ignited your gifts into the world. As you're sharing what you are called to share, we'll pause along the way and see what's showing up. In a minute, I'm going to turn over to you and you can start wherever you'd like. Are you ready?
Let's do it. Take it away.
Michael’s Early Influences And Lessons From Dad
I grew up in a very normal childhood in New Jersey, right outside of Manhattan. My father was in distribution services. His office was in Manhattan. My father used to go to work at 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning. He would stay there all day and then he would come home late at night. He would bring home the orders. Back in the day, they were yellows, pinks, whites, and greens. We would separate them all for him.
For when I had school days off or when we had some vacations, I went to the office and I would be hanging around my father while he was building his business. That carried on throughout my whole entire career. In my teenage years, my father would invite me to meetings for acquisitions or something he thought I might be interested in. He would say, “Sit there. Don't open your mouth. Listen and maybe you'll learn something,” and that's what I did. I would go in from one department to the next department in the warehouse. I learned from a nepotism standpoint. I learned that being the boss’ son is going to require two and a half times or they're going to call you a bump, so I had to really go with that attitude.
When I left college, I went into sales for my father's business. I had done it before. I saw an opportunity to go into an adjacent business to the office supply business, which was the coffee and break room business. I was the first dealer in the US to bring in a product by the name of M&M’s, Mars, Flavia. That was the first single cup. That was in 1995. I bought into a coffee business and learned my lesson six months later that they were cooking the book, so I had to get my money back out. I got a little lesson about people and how they do accounting, to say the least. That allowed me to focus on being in distribution services.
I really enjoyed working with my father because he didn't have an ego. I've taken mostly from him. He always told me, “Surround yourself with much smarter people than you and don't have an ego. Why do you care how much a salesperson makes? If they make $1 million, that means that the companies make more, so don't worry about it.” I got a lot of different business lessons.
Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you and don't have any ego.
I lived through the distribution business during 9/11. That was a very scary time on multiple fronts. My father and I worked together for the first 45 or 46 years, more or less, together. A lot of it was done with private equity people. The nepotism was a little bit of an issue, but overall, I wouldn't trade anything for the time I was able to spend with my father working. It was great.
I love what you're sharing. You grew up around the office. I had the same experience myself. You get that sense of what it's like to be in the world of the office and observe what's going on.
It’s responsibility and accountability.
Also, in those earlier days, when you think about how things are now, it's very different than it was.
The pace was different. I'll never forget my father in the late ‘80s. It was next-day delivery. That was the biggest thing, to next-day, deliver. That industry changed dramatically. We saw the writing on the wall. We partnered with Amazon in the early 2013 or ‘14 timeframe. They wanted to go on office supplies. We were selling office supplies on their exchange and they wanted to go direct. I was like, “Either you're going to join them or be gobbled up by them.” We became their last mile. It worked out well, but we got out when we needed to.
The industry has become commoditized. For me, it was never about the commodity. Anyone could sell something at a lower price. It was more about bringing added value and bringing service. If you think of the name of our company, it was HiTouch. We wanted to give you a high-touch-type service. I've been in the service industry my whole life and I love it. I love the pressure. I love problem-solving on a daily basis. I also love to not be in control of everything. I love to have an idea and pass it on to someone who could take that idea and make it into a reality rather than a fantasy or just an idea. I enjoyed it.
I believe that whether there's technology or not, the world is built on relationships. That's how we're building our business. We've got a product. It's very cool. It's going to change the world, global domination. However, it's all about the people that we work with and the customers. When you're bringing breakthrough new technology out, you have to have believers on the other side or it's never going to work.
That's exactly what I was thinking about as you were building up to this. At the core of it, especially when you grow up in the service industry, you realize that there's nothing of value besides relationships. Everything else is on the tertiary. That's why HiTouch is a good name for it because you have to be in a relationship with people.
My first wife told me it was a stupid name. She said, “It sounds like an iTouch.” Meanwhile, Staples bought the company and they kept the name. There you have it. I think it's the greatest name ever. The service industry is a great industry because it's in so many different ways. You're servicing a business. You're servicing a home. You're servicing buildings.
Wisdom From Selling His First Business
This is how you built the foundation of, first of all, your understanding but also how you built your ability to get into this business and do the things you're doing. Tell me about selling your first business. How did that go for you? Was it an easy thing or was it like, “What now? What happens once I let go of my first baby?” if you will?
It's an interesting situation. I was 35. When I joined the company, the company was called Allied in 1998. It was a rollup of twelve different companies that were all purchased on the same day in the Northeast. The concept was to create a very strong regional player and consolidate the distribution. You keep the salespeople and away you go. It was a highly leveraged business.
You had the dot-com bust in ‘99. I had three recruiters working for us to hire people because you couldn't get anyone because of the dot-com, which was what was going on back then. The company went through horrific stages with the financial structure because it was a highly leveraged business. The industry got in trouble, and then you had to recapitalize. The hardest thing about the business, of any business I find, is capital structure and being able to build something and be profitable quickly enough for investors and what you can afford to do.
In this case, we were able to build a company. In ‘03 when war broke out, some of the banks that owned our debt were French banks and they wanted out of the portfolio business. We were able to buy them out for pennies on the dollar. That then changed the whole cashflow basis of the business because we did not have to pay down so much debt.
The most interesting part of it was the business went through so many different things from ‘99 to ‘01 with 9/11 and the recession. From ‘03 to ‘06, we grew from $220 million to $386 million. We were killing it. Back then, we called it One Solution. We were selling office supplies, forms management, and all the different services.
My father said to me, “Why would you want to sell? We're finally making money. The company is doing great. We could take the world on. I'm going to go see if I can set it up.” We go and have a meeting with Office Depot for lunch. Before we sat down, I said, “I want you to know, Dad, that anything under 200 million, I'm not interested in.” He goes, “Knock yourself out with your $200 million.” I had my little conversation and they waived. We didn't get $200 million but the investors got close enough. The investors did unbelievably because they got ten times their money.
My father said to me, “Michael, every time you get angry at me for selling this business, go look in your bank account.” From a financial standpoint, he's 100% right. However, we had at the time about 900 employees and our employees felt betrayed. I never thought of it before. Coming from that, I made sure that anything I go into that I'm running or doing, the employees are sharing in the success at the end on the equity side, not just in bonuses and everything else. That was a really big lesson.
There’s nothing better than enjoying going to work with people who are invested in you and that you are invested in. You're at work usually more than you are at home. You spend more time with these people than you do with anyone else. Everyone on the other side are people too. Everyone's got children. Everyone's got sickness. Everyone's got school stuff. Everyone's got problems.
There is nothing better than enjoying going to work with people that are invested in you and that you're invested in.
From that time that we sold, I took what I cherished as relationships and tried to move that forward so that if there ever was a sale or something, everyone would be happy about it rather than being like, “I can't believe you gave us to someone else.” Culture is important. I find that the companies that I'm involved in are high energy, positive, happy places, stressful, chaotic, but we're going somewhere.
I love what you're sharing here. I had this conversation with somebody. My coaching client’s wife was saying, “It's not your company,” but he cares. He cares about the work he does. We all care about work, and we want to care. It's what we do. We want to make an impact. You show people that it's good to care about the work, and then you give them something that makes them feel like, “This is my company and I want to care about it.”
That’s an interesting point. One of the other things that I would touch upon is the biggest thing that I found that gave people the most desire to come to work with us was that they felt empowered. Empowerment is an unbelievable tool. What we used to say to the people was, “We're not in the blood business. We're selling staples, pencils, and paperclips. When someone says, “It's an emergency,” let's put things in perspective.
The biggest thing that gave people the most desire to come work with us was they felt empowered.
There is no decision that you will ever make on the phone with the customer that will ever jeopardize our business, so please resolve and make our customers happy.” Not having to go check with Mom and Dad every day on every little thing allowed the business to grow and allowed the people to be invested because they were not following orders. They're involved in making the decisions the whole step of the way. They're invested. From that, it turns into options and stuff like that.
Taking The Leap: Transitioning To Robotics
I want to fast-forward things a bit. There are so many things about your journey we could get into, but I want to understand how one makes the leap from, “Here I am in office supplies and doing this,” to getting into robotics. I know you and I had a little conversation about this.
I've always been an early adopter of everything. Whether or not I even use it, I'm an early adopter. I have to see it. I had to have Google Glass. I had to have the Microsoft HoloLens. I had to have Meta. I had to have Apple. I never used these things. I tried it out once. A lot of why it is it gives me ideas about where the world is going. I always take a little piece from something that I'm trying out. I tried out that AI Pin baloney. That was a loser. It was garbage but very cool-looking.
I was always into technology. When we were in our service business, we provided technology services in how they were able to procure their stuff. I gave iPads to 300 salespeople in 2003 before they were an enterprise. I always like to be ahead of the curve. In this case, we'd sold the business to Staples. I had a twelve-month contract and signed a 7-year non-compete, so it's not like I was coming back into the business.
I was really interested in robotics and the assisted living space. Japan has been what I would call the leader in automation and robotics that I've seen. Especially given their population situation as it continues to get older, they have a hard time bringing in labor, migration, and so forth. I was looking into robotics. I was driving my son to hockey practice in New York and going down the West Side Highway. I was looking up at Hudson Yards and was like, “I cannot believe people still clean windows by hand,” like any normal person does these things. I was like, “Let me go see if there's any robotics in this space.”
I went and looked all over the world and found a bunch of different companies but nothing that I thought was really going to work. I then found Skyline. This is the beginning of ‘19. I was chasing them but they wouldn't call me back. They weren't interested. The company is based out of Israel. I was going there on a mission with a bunch of people in New York real estate. I sent the guy a note and said, “If you are really serious about your business and you need New York real estate owners and so forth, I'm with the CEO of Silverstein, the CEO of Stonehenge, the CEO of this company, and the CEO of that company. Come meet me and let's talk.” We met and we were able to formulate a plan.
Ross, who's my partner, and I officially joined on December 1st, 2020. It was a tough time during COVID. Ross was at a startup at the time and was exiting. I said, “I've got this business. Do you want to take a look at it?” He has a legal background. COVID happened and he and I happened to be staying together. We took it upon ourselves to look at their business, and it was almost like a turnaround. They started in 2017. For 3 years, they raised about $3 million. They wanted to be a first-party cleaner and they had a prototype. They didn't even have a commercialized product.
For us, what we've been able to accomplish since that time is we brought in another $18 million or $19 million. We have been very clear that we are a technology company. We are not a window cleaning company. We are joining the ecosystem of building services and the construction industry to support and partner, not to knock jobs out.
If you look at what we're doing on the window cleaning side, the labor shortage is the biggest issue. We work with unionized labor 32BJ in New York. There used to be 1,300 members there several years ago. This time, there are 500. More buildings have been built in the last couple of years. Taller buildings have more glass. You have this in many markets around the world where they don't have the labor.
Addressing The Labor Shortage And Safety Concerns
Never mind the fact that it's dangerous.
Separately, the reason why they don't have the labor is because given all of the opportunities that are out there, unless you're a climber or enthusiast, why would you ever want to go hundreds of feet in the air in really cold weather or hot weather and being suspended in the air? It's scary. These people that are doing this, I have a tremendous amount of respect for them. I hang out with a lot of them. It’s funny. To them, it’s not that big of a deal, but I look over and I'm like, “I could never.” It's becoming less of a popular job. It used to be more of a generational job through the union.
Japan has labor shortages. Everyone has the issue. The safety factor is one of those factors that's glossed over. Everyone's like, “It's safer but do you ever hear about people dying?” People do die every year, especially outside of the United States but they don't report it. Also, it's not a popular thing to tell people, “We have people falling off of buildings all the time.” When you talk about automation, it's a dirty, dull, and dangerous job that we're trying to automate and bring technology more from a collaborative sense than a replacement sense.
Two things come to mind around this. One of them was I was thinking about the show Dirty Jobs. I forget his name. They were the jobs that no one wanted to do because they were dangerous. We do not necessarily want to take away jobs but they're jobs that are not desirable. How can we upskill people to do work that is more desirable and use robots in different ways to do those things?
The great thing about a robot is it turns on and it's consistent. It's replicating every second. It doesn't have problems. Maybe it has a maintenance issue, but there's no problem at home. There are no parent-teacher conferences. There's none of that. There is a use case for it, and it's needed in certain markets, for sure, not every market. When you talk about Class A buildings that have BMUs, there's no reason whatsoever for a human to risk their life for it.
It’s really fascinating. I think about the journey you've been on to get here. You've worked in a service industry where you had a very high level of peoplepower put in place. You’ve gotten to this place where you're at where you're starting to leverage more technology but there's still a lot of people involved.
We have 30 R&D people in Israel. The guys gave me a budget because they'd like to hire seventeen more people. It's a very interesting situation that we're in because you have what I would call an industry that has been under-technologized for a very long time. Real estate doesn't move quickly. Even in new construction, when they make a decision and they call you up and say, “We're going to build a building,” that's 7 or 10 years down the road.
We're involved with a very large project in New York. It's at 270 Park Avenue. It's the largest building being built in the Northern Hemisphere. It's 423 meters. They would take eight robots. That's wonderful. On the flip side, the deal we're going to be announcing is this deal that we're doing with the largest BMU manufacturer in the world called Alimak. They’re publicly traded. Alimak controls 65% of the globe. They're in 120 countries. 500 new opportunities for new construction bids come their way and they will be offering Skyline Robotics into their BMUs for every 1 of them if the customer would like.
Given where the world is going and given the amount of money that's being spent on these buildings, it's hard not to cost-justify on so many levels. Window cleaning is easy and basic. I'm talking about being able to have an asset management tool that can give you readings using hyperspectral and geothermal cameras so that you could know if there's air and water filtration, or if your facade is installed, then it's under warranty for ten years. If we clean your building twice a year, you're getting two scans a year of a facade health profile to know exactly what's going on with your building.
Where I relate this is when we were in office supplies, I went into coffee. We were already there, so why wouldn't I keep adding a gain share of my wallet? I was like, “We're on the side of the building. We're already there. Let's add a couple of cameras.” Drones don't work in cities. They can only get probably 20 or 30 feet close anyway. We're, at max, three feet away from the facade with cameras that are taking all the data. We're building that piece out. It takes layers of different things to then get stitched together, but the foundation has been built. We're looking into the fact that we're going to be more about asset management and we'll clean your building at the same time.
We don't need light. I can clean at night. If you think about commercial cleaning, moving to nighttime rather than during the day, that's a positive. There isn't much from a practical business standpoint that you can't say, “That makes sense.” Don't get me wrong. There are things that we have to work on, like the weight of the robot and everything else, but I feel like the industry has been accepting. One of the reasons is because we have been so non-confrontational and non-friction. We're coming in as a help. We’re like, “Where can we help you? Can we bring you business?” We get anywhere from 1 to 2 inquiries a day globally. The interest is incredible.
Global Expansion: Seizing Growing Interests Around The World
There's probably a growing interest in thinking about other applications, ways to expand, and all that.
You've got the new construction piece. The Alimak deal is a game-changer. We’re building an integrated BMU. On the existing side, we're partnering with the local service provider in the major markets. If you look at New York, we've partnered with a company called Platinum. They're in 65% of the Class A buildings. One way or another, they're cleaning the outside and cleaning the inside, but they're in multiple service businesses.
I happen to be going away with my family to Japan. When we came into the business, they applied for patents in Japan and Singapore, so we have a patent in Japan and Singapore. I said, “I wasn't planning on opening up Japan tomorrow, but why not?” I'm going to go a week early. I'm going to South Korea, and then I'm going to Japan. I'm meeting with a bunch of real estate companies there.
I'm learning about Japan. This company that I'm going to meet with was founded in 1637. It's older than the United States. When you think about that market, it's like dynasties and so forth. From what I understand, it's been a very closed market from outsiders. However, because of their labor shortage, they're highly interested in our product. People are like, “No one's ever going to want to talk to you.” I'm talking to some of the biggest real estate companies there because Tokyo's got a ton of people.
Ridiculous amounts. That's a thing. I think about the volume. It's almost as vast as the amount of sand pebbles on a beach.
There are 68,000 BMUs placed on the planet. Let’s say 10,000 are in good shape. That's one of the other things that we found out about the industry, at least on the BMU side with the cranes. It’s maintenance. It's regulated but they have to be maintained. For us, while we're focused on robotics, we also have to make sure that the solution works operationally.
In the existing environment, every building is different. The power could be in a different place. The mullions could be different. Everything's different. We have gotten a real education on what a facade looks like, what are the things that happen in a BMU, and what happens with people when they go window cleaning.
A lot of people that introduce technology never really worked with the industry. We've been honing in on working with them. Every season since 2021, we have taken their feedback and input and made the product better. When we first started in New York, we only had one arm. Since the baskets in New York are so much larger, the dealer says, “You have to have two arms or this is going nowhere. Forget that we invented one arm. You have to figure out a way to invent two arms that are going to work together and share all the services,” and we were able to do it.
Robotics is a very tough business. Name three companies in the world that you know of, forgetting about Boston Dynamics, that have robots working in the built environment. It's not there. It's not because people aren't working on the technology, but the cost of entry is very expensive and the mindset for investors is that hardware's tough.
They'd love to invest in something that's easier for them to be able to pivot easily into.
They say to me all the time, “We want to write you a check for $40 million. You got to get more deployed,” and the goalposts move every year versus, “Get a contract.” I’d be like, “I got a contract and I got a deployment.” They’d be like, “Get four contracts and more deployment.” There are a lot of different pieces in building a business, and fundraising is the worst.
Finding Patience And Resilience Through Business Challenges
I'm glad you ended on that note. I want to skip over to another part of this, which is to say you've been through a lot to get to this point. Resilience seems to be something you've learned quite a lot about yourself. I'd like to know what are some things or some lessons you've learned that you're continuing to potentially learn at this moment that you want to share. Maybe it's about the people part, but maybe it's also about navigating new technology that you want to share.
Thank you for having me. I enjoyed the conversation. People are the most important thing to any business. Surrounding yourself with smarter people than yourself is critical. Empowering the people is critical. What was your question again?
Maybe there's a potential challenge you're dealing with that you're learning.
Fundraising is always a challenge, but the biggest challenge is patience. Patience is tough. It's hard to be patient when you're venture-backed. It's hard to be patient to get anything. This business is as long-tail as I've ever seen but I'm really enjoying the people that I'm meeting within the industry, both on the robotics side and in real estate. I find the two different ecosystems to be completely opposite yet very engaging.
Coming from the office supply industry and going into robotics and real estate, it doesn't get any more sexier than robotics. When people say, “What do you do?” I'm like, “Robotics.” They're like, “That's the coolest thing in the world.” When they used to meet me, they used to be like, “What do you do?” I’d be like, “I sell pencils and paper clips.” If you think that was picking up anyone in bars when I was younger, no.
Real estate doesn't get any sexier than robotics.
The challenge besides the money is that the opportunities are also big. We are planning on dominating globally. I do believe we will have global domination. That's what I'm going for. This Alimak deal, we worked on it since I got here. That's four years. It will be another year and a half until we really start to realize the revenue gains but it will build.
Never give up. In sales, no is spelled incorrectly as yes. Until you get it, don't give up. Every day is a new day to make a difference. I'm so excited to wake up every day to see what's coming in. I'm getting emails from Indonesia. It's the coolest thing. I love meeting people. Every contact form that comes in, I personally respond to myself. I get 20 or 30 emails a week. Some of them are worthwhile but most are not. Every one of our customers, we got through them. We do no outbound. We've educated on an outbound but no real sales calls on the outbound. I could open up in Hong Kong or Australia if I had the money, number one, but I would never do it that quickly.
It is staying with the focus of the pieces will all come together. We would all like them to come together at the same time but that's not the way the real world works. What we have to do is we have to be creative, pivot, and make a sacrifice here so that we can get something done over there. If I look at the four years of what we're doing, the biggest challenge that we have is not about surviving. It's not about, “Will the product work?” It's not about any of that. It's really about making sure that we stay focused, execute, and deliver as we've delivered.
I managed a business during 9/11. I've managed a business during Sandy Hook. I've managed a business during riots. However, I've never managed a business where 1/3 of my employees are on reserve duty in the middle of a war with employees who were at this NOAH festival. That aged me years in understanding some people's lives, how tough they really do have it, and what's important.
It's been a crazy education, but I've learned that people are resilient. It’s not everyone, but people are. Our team is resilient. They are happy and hopeful. They believe in what they're doing. For them to be able to come to work when you've got rockets flying all over the place is a huge distraction for them. One of the things that we did during our budgeting session for 2025 was we looked at all these projects. I was like, “Are we forgetting that for the last eighteen months or so, we’ve got 1/3 of the people that have been going back and forth 3 or 4 tours or duties? People are exhausted.
Let's have a robust plan, but let's dial it back a little. Let's make sure that everyone is getting rest and everyone is re-energizing because this year is a build year. In a year or so, let's go crazy and so forth. Let's add and go sell, but I really want to make sure that our guys are able to re-energize and feel better about their horizons within their country.”
It’s really beautiful what you're sharing in the sense of resilience at the core of all this. It's building a business for the long term with patience and resilience, but also knowing that at the core of all this, it's people and relationships, coming back to the principles that got you started from the beginning. I love that you're sharing that. I know we're running up on time, so I'll come to a closure on this. I want to thank you so much for what you shared. This is wonderful. I do have to ask my last question. We can do it briefly. Hopefully, you don't mind staying a little longer. What are 1 or 2 books that have had an impact on you or whatever you'd like to share at this moment?
I'm not a huge book reader. I read a lot and I listen to a lot of podcasts, but I never feel I'm too easily distracted and my mind will go off, and then I'll lose my part. Most of the books that I've read have been about the economy and the technology that we're looking at. For me, following Elon Musk in his businesses is a real inspiration. I need to get to the credibility that he's gotten because I've got that energy. I’m like, “I'm ready to go. Give me more.” There are other businesses that we see that could come out of this that I'm dying to get into but I am laser-focused.
I love that you share that. It's having that ambition but also knowing that you have a real people focus. It's empowering the teams to really know that they are going to be part of this journey. From what you said at the beginning all the way through this, there's an element of having great focus and ambition. Knowing how to balance all of those things along the way is so critical. Elon can be a divisive figure, we all know that, but he has accomplished quite a lot.
You cannot take that away from him. I'm not saying it's all him. I'm sure he surrounds himself with very smart people, but you can't deny that what he has built is awesome.
Thank you so much for coming on the show. My mind's blown. There are so many cool things you shared. Thank you for coming on.
Much appreciated. I enjoyed this. It's been a great conversation. You're very easy to talk to. I've really enjoyed it.
Before you go, I do want to let the audience know where they can find out more about you or the company. Where would you like to send people?
You can go to We're on Instagram and LinkedIn. Our robot is called Osmo. I believe you'll start to see us out and about as much as you can.
Thank you so much to the readers for coming on the journey. That's a wrap.
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